All Teams

Biggest Turnarounds (Loss to a Win - Same Season)

165 or more points turnarounds

The tables are displayed best in landscape mode, so tilt your phone for the best view!

Rank Turnaround Team Lost to Losing Margin Game Defeated Winning Margin Game
1+263West PerthSwan Districts85 (40-125)R9, 1981East Fremantle178 (239-61)R10, 1981
2+220ClaremontEast Fremantle57 (62-119)R15, 1940Swan Districts163 (220-57)R16, 1940
3+219West PerthClaremont119 (47-166)R18, 2012Peel Thunder100 (159-59)R19, 2012
4+217South FremantleSubiaco37 (83-120)R20, 1981West Perth180 (258-78)R21, 1981
5+217SubiacoEast Fremantle96 (48-144)R20, 1994South Fremantle121 (203-82)R21, 1994
6+217SubiacoSwan Districts123 (74-197)R17, 1981West Perth94 (163-69)R18, 1981
7+213South FremantlePerth113 (85-198)R4, 1977Subiaco100 (166-66)R5, 1977
8+209East PerthClaremont169 (57-226)R20, 1987East Fremantle40 (119-79)R21, 1987
9+205West PerthPeel Thunder113 (51-164)R6, 2024West Coast92 (156-64)R7, 2024
10+197West PerthPerth56 (49-105)R19, 1976Claremont141 (141-0)R20, 1976
11+192East FremantleEast Perth103 (93-196)R18, 1979West Perth89 (215-126)R19, 1979
12+191PerthClaremont173 (81-254)R17, 1981South Fremantle18 (121-103)R18, 1981
13+190Swan DistrictsWest Perth93 (67-160)R1, 1943South Fremantle97 (166-69)R2, 1943
14+190West PerthEast Perth46 (58-104)R10, 1998Peel Thunder144 (190-46)R11, 1998
15+189Swan DistrictsWest Perth158 (46-204)R12, 1971South Fremantle31 (112-81)R13, 1971
16+187ClaremontWest Perth67 (42-109)R20, 2004Swan Districts120 (175-55)R21, 2004
17+186South FremantleWest Perth129 (76-205)R8, 1972East Fremantle57 (151-94)R9, 1972
18+183West PerthClaremont14 (42-56)R1, 2023West Coast169 (217-48)R2, 2023
19+181East FremantleSwan Districts97 (97-194)R17, 1975Claremont84 (157-73)R18, 1975
20+179ClaremontWest Perth100 (23-123)R6, 1944South Fremantle79 (147-68)R7, 1944
21+178East PerthSubiaco110 (38-148)R19, 2007Peel Thunder68 (179-111)R20, 2007
22+176East PerthSubiaco118 (70-188)R1, 2018West Perth58 (112-54)R2, 2018
23+174ClaremontEast Perth15 (88-103)R3, 1990West Perth159 (201-42)R4, 1990
24+173Swan DistrictsClaremont46 (110-156)R7, 1981Perth127 (200-73)R8, 1981
25+170West PerthSouth Fremantle17 (95-112)R6, 1952Swan Districts153 (205-52)R7, 1952
26+170West PerthSubiaco96 (39-135)R18, 1913North Fremantle74 (87-13)R19, 1913
27+169Swan DistrictsSubiaco116 (59-175)R21, 1998Peel Thunder53 (118-65)R22, 1998
28+169PerthEast Fremantle78 (66-144)R17, 2003Peel Thunder91 (127-36)R19, 2003
29+169East FremantleSubiaco98 (70-168)R20, 1993Swan Districts71 (152-81)R21, 1993
30+168SubiacoPerth82 (58-140)R17, 1992Swan Districts86 (160-74)R18, 1992
31+168PerthEast Perth114 (61-175)R21, 1977East Fremantle54 (154-100)2SF, 1977
32+167South FremantleEast Perth125 (45-170)R1, 1991East Fremantle42 (147-105)R2, 1991
33+166Swan DistrictsWest Perth136 (43-179)R5, 1941Perth30 (125-95)R6, 1941
34+166East PerthEast Fremantle88 (37-125)R7, 1943South Fremantle78 (113-35)R8, 1943
35+166East FremantleWest Perth34 (93-127)R12, 2010Peel Thunder132 (173-41)R13, 2010
36+166SubiacoClaremont88 (95-183)R6, 1980East Fremantle78 (145-67)R7, 1980
37+165West PerthPerth36 (43-79)R7, 1972South Fremantle129 (205-76)R8, 1972
38+165South FremantlePerth17 (100-117)R4, 1976Subiaco148 (196-48)R5, 1976
39+165East FremantleWest Perth100 (71-171)R4, 1960Perth65 (121-56)R5, 1960
40+165ClaremontSubiaco88 (72-160)R12, 2000Peel Thunder77 (122-45)R13, 2000
41+165South FremantleWest Perth4 (85-89)R1, 1953Subiaco161 (197-36)R2, 1953
