WAFL FootyFacts - Claremont v Geelong, Round 3R, 1980

Claremont v Geelong

3R, 1980

Date: Tue 25-Mar-1980 8:30 PM
Att: 3783 Venue: Waverley Park, Vic
Claremont won by 5 points

4.3 (27)10.13 (73)V9.14 (68)3.3 (21)
5.7 (37)5.5 (35)
7.13 (55)6.9 (45)
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Click headings to sort data

Key: D:Disposals, K:Kicks, HB:Handballs, M:Marks, T:Tackles, HO:Hitouts, I50:Inside 50's, FF:Frees for, FA:Frees against, G:Goals, B:Behinds, GP:Games played
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 FF FA G B GP
1RAWLINSON, David 0000000000053
3KRAKOUER, Jim 0000000000048
4MORTON, Noel 000000000005
6REYNOLDS, Brad 0000000000053
7KRAKOUER, Phil 0000000004048
8MALAXOS, Stephen 0000000003025
11ANNEAR, John 0000000000034
14KANTHER, Lindsay 0000000000042
16RALPH, Warren 000000000103
17LEWIS, Clayton 0000000000011
18HUNTER, Ken 0000000000078
19DITCHBURN, Ross 0000000000086
20HARPER, Baden 0000000000012
24BETTS, Gerald 0000000000024
25MOSS, Graham 00000000000158
32CRAIG, Kim 0000000000070
33VICKERS-WILLIS, Robert 0000000000017
39BLACKWELL, Wayne 0000000002031
40PANIZZA, Darrell 000000000009
44GOODING, Dalton 00000000000119
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 FF FA G B GP


Player Game Milestones
Player Team Game

Quarter by Quarter Scores
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr Final Score
Claremont4.3 (27)5.7 (37)7.13 (55)10.13 (73)
Geelong3.3 (21)5.5 (35)6.9 (45)9.14 (68)

Quarter by Quarter Margins
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr Final Margin

Scores for Each Quarter
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Claremont4.3 (27)1.4 (10)2.6 (18)3.0 (18)
Geelong3.3 (21)2.2 (14)1.4 (10)3.5 (23)

Margins for Each Quarter
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Scores for Each Half
1st Half 2nd Half
Claremont5.7 (37)5.6 (36)
Geelong5.5 (35)4.9 (33)

Margins for Each Half
1st Half 2nd Half


The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

Head to Head
Overall - Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:

Overall - Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:

Overall - Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:


73 Points Scored
43.48% Goal Accuracy
23 Scoring Shots
0 Inside 50's
% Inside 50 Efficiency
0 Disposals
0.00 Disposals Per Goal
0 Kicks
0 Handballs
0 Marks
0 Hit Outs
0 Tackles
0 Frees For
0 Frees Against
The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

Claremont v Geelong

3R, 1980

The data in the tables on this page are best viewed in landscape mode!
Date: Tue 25-Mar-1980 8:30 PM
Att: 3783 Venue: Waverley Park, Vic
Claremont won by 5 points

Quarter by Quarter Scores
Claremont4.3 (27)5.7 (37)7.13 (55)10.13 (73)
Geelong3.3 (21)5.5 (35)6.9 (45)9.14 (68)

Quarter by Quarter Margins

Scores for Each Quarter
Claremont4.3 (27)1.4 (10)2.6 (18)3.0 (18)
Geelong3.3 (21)2.2 (14)1.4 (10)3.5 (23)

Margins for Each Quarter

Scores for Each Half
Claremont5.7 (37)5.6 (36)
Geelong5.5 (35)4.9 (33)

Margins for Each Half


Player Statistics

Claremont Player Statistics
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 G B
1RAWLINSON, David000000000
3KRAKOUER, Jim000000000
4MORTON, Noel000000000
6REYNOLDS, Brad000000000
7KRAKOUER, Phil000000040
8MALAXOS, Stephen000000030
11ANNEAR, John000000000
14KANTHER, Lindsay000000000
16RALPH, Warren000000010
17LEWIS, Clayton000000000
18HUNTER, Ken000000000
19DITCHBURN, Ross000000000
20HARPER, Baden000000000
24BETTS, Gerald000000000
25MOSS, Graham000000000
32CRAIG, Kim000000000
33VICKERS-WILLIS, Robert000000000
39BLACKWELL, Wayne000000020
40PANIZZA, Darrell000000000
44GOODING, Dalton000000000

Geelong Player Statistics
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 G B


Win Loss Records

Head to Head
Overall - Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:
- Played: 0, : , : , Drawn:

Overall - Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:

Overall - Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
- Played: 0, Won: , Lost: , Drawn:
