WAFL FootyFacts - Subiaco v Peel Thunder, Round R10, 1997

Subiaco v Peel Thunder

R10, 1997

Date: Sat 31-May-1997 2:20 PM
Att: 981 Venue: Subiaco Oval
Subiaco won by 100 points

4.4 (28)22.15 (147)V6.11 (47)0.2 (2)
10.8 (68)1.4 (10)
18.12 (120)4.6 (30)
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Click headings to sort data

Key: D:Disposals, K:Kicks, HB:Handballs, M:Marks, T:Tackles, HO:Hitouts, I50:Inside 50's, FF:Frees for, FA:Frees against, G:Goals, B:Behinds, GP:Games played
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 FF FA G B GP
1PARRIMAN, Mark 0000000000011
2HAMPSON, Damian 00000000010116
5BREMAN, Todd 00000000050143
8SHAWCROSS, Jarod 0000000002033
10MILLER, Paul 0000000001082
11GAUCI, Matt 0000000000063
14CROSBY, Jarrod 000000000003
16HOCKING, Jarrod 0000000000019
17DAVIES, Glen 0000000002074
20MONAGHAN, Bill 00000000020148
21BURTON, Jay 0000000003025
22MCKENZIE, Phil 0000000000022
24KICKETT, Derek 0000000002078
26PAULSEN, Daniel 000000000007
27HANSEN, Robert 0000000001027
30BURTON, Matthew FRE00000000000101
32HARDINGHAM, Daniel 000000000205
35MCDONALD, Scott 000000000108
38RICHARDSON, Craig 000000000003
39VENABLES, Cam 0000000000019
50BOTSIS, Simeon 000000000002
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 FF FA G B GP
7DE GOIS, Brendon 0000000001013
13DOUGLAS, Kent 000000000008
14SIMISTER, Scott 000000000109
15BOYLE, Alexander 0000000000010
18AGNEW, Broc 000000000004
19WARREN, Dale 0000000000024
20LAWSON, Robert 000000000005
21HILL, Brandon 000000000002
23SCHIRRIPA, Anthony 000000000105
26GREEN, Shane 0000000000022
30BAZZO, Steve 00000000010174
31DOYLE, Craig 0000000000015
34MARSH, Barry 000000000001
36TREGENZA, Rod 000000000201
39CHIPPERFIELD, Jarrod 000000000005
40BURGESS, Todd 000000000005
43PRENTICE, Michael 000000000006
47HAYWARD, Greg 000000000001
48GREEN, Trevor 0000000000034
49SHEPPARD, Kim 0000000000011
50WATHERSTON, Brett 000000000004


Player Game Milestones
Player Team Game
HAYWARD, GregPeel Thunder1
MARSH, BarryPeel Thunder1
TREGENZA, RodPeel Thunder1

Quarter by Quarter Scores
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr Final Score
Subiaco4.4 (28)10.8 (68)18.12 (120)22.15 (147)
Peel Thunder0.2 (2)1.4 (10)4.6 (30)6.11 (47)

Quarter by Quarter Margins
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr Final Margin
Peel Thunder-26-58-90-100

Scores for Each Quarter
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Subiaco4.4 (28)6.4 (40)8.4 (52)4.3 (27)
Peel Thunder0.2 (2)1.2 (8)3.2 (20)2.5 (17)

Margins for Each Quarter
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Peel Thunder-26-32-32-10

Scores for Each Half
1st Half 2nd Half
Subiaco10.8 (68)12.7 (79)
Peel Thunder1.4 (10)5.7 (37)

Margins for Each Half
1st Half 2nd Half
Peel Thunder-58-42


The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

Head to Head
Overall - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
Subiaco Oval - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
R10 - Played: 1, Subiaco: 1, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0

Overall - Played: 1897, Won: 769, Lost: 1113, Drawn: 15
Subiaco Oval - Played: 900, Won: 437, Lost: 459, Drawn: 4
R10 - Played: 93, Won: 44, Lost: 49, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 8, Won: 4, Lost: 4, Drawn: 0

Peel Thunder
Overall - Played: 9, Won: 1, Lost: 8, Drawn: 0
Subiaco Oval - Played: 2, Won: 0, Lost: 2, Drawn: 0
R10 - Played: 1, Won: 0, Lost: 1, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 9, Won: 1, Lost: 8, Drawn: 0


147 Points Scored
59.46% Goal Accuracy
37 Scoring Shots
0 Inside 50's
% Inside 50 Efficiency
0 Disposals
0.00 Disposals Per Goal
0 Kicks
0 Handballs
0 Marks
0 Hit Outs
0 Tackles
0 Frees For
0 Frees Against
The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

Subiaco Highest Scores
27.20 (182)R3,1997Subiaco Oval
22.15 (147)R10,1997Subiaco Oval

Subiaco Lowest Scores
22.15 (147)R10,1997Subiaco Oval
27.20 (182)R3,1997Subiaco Oval

Peel Thunder Highest Scores
6.11 (47)R10,1997Subiaco Oval
5.5 (35)R3,1997Subiaco Oval

Peel Thunder Lowest Scores
5.5 (35)R3,1997Subiaco Oval
6.11 (47)R10,1997Subiaco Oval

Subiaco Greatest Winning Margins
147R3,1997Subiaco Oval
100R10,1997Subiaco Oval

The data on this page displays records up to and including the game being viewed

R10,1997Subiaco 22.15 (147) def Peel Thunder 6.11 (47) by 100 points at Subiaco Oval. Attendance: 981
R3,1997Subiaco 27.20 (182) def Peel Thunder 5.5 (35) by 147 points at Subiaco Oval. Attendance: 1531

Subiaco v Peel Thunder

R10, 1997

The data in the tables on this page are best viewed in landscape mode!
Date: Sat 31-May-1997 2:20 PM
Att: 981 Venue: Subiaco Oval
Subiaco won by 100 points

Quarter by Quarter Scores
Subiaco4.4 (28)10.8 (68)18.12 (120)22.15 (147)
Peel Thunder0.2 (2)1.4 (10)4.6 (30)6.11 (47)

Quarter by Quarter Margins
Peel Thunder-26-58-90-100

Scores for Each Quarter
Subiaco4.4 (28)6.4 (40)8.4 (52)4.3 (27)
Peel Thunder0.2 (2)1.2 (8)3.2 (20)2.5 (17)

Margins for Each Quarter
Peel Thunder-26-32-32-10

Scores for Each Half
Subiaco10.8 (68)12.7 (79)
Peel Thunder1.4 (10)5.7 (37)

Margins for Each Half
Peel Thunder-58-42


Player Statistics

Subiaco Player Statistics
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 G B
1PARRIMAN, Mark000000000
2HAMPSON, Damian000000010
5BREMAN, Todd000000050
8SHAWCROSS, Jarod000000020
10MILLER, Paul000000010
11GAUCI, Matt000000000
14CROSBY, Jarrod000000000
16HOCKING, Jarrod000000000
17DAVIES, Glen000000020
20MONAGHAN, Bill000000020
21BURTON, Jay000000030
22MCKENZIE, Phil000000000
24KICKETT, Derek000000020
26PAULSEN, Daniel000000000
27HANSEN, Robert000000010
30BURTON, Matthew000000000
32HARDINGHAM, Daniel000000020
35MCDONALD, Scott000000010
38RICHARDSON, Craig000000000
39VENABLES, Cam000000000
50BOTSIS, Simeon000000000

Peel Thunder Player Statistics
# Player D K HB M T HO I50 G B
7DE GOIS, Brendon000000010
13DOUGLAS, Kent000000000
14SIMISTER, Scott000000010
15BOYLE, Alexander000000000
18AGNEW, Broc000000000
19WARREN, Dale000000000
20LAWSON, Robert000000000
21HILL, Brandon000000000
23SCHIRRIPA, Anthony000000010
26GREEN, Shane000000000
30BAZZO, Steve000000010
31DOYLE, Craig000000000
34MARSH, Barry000000000
36TREGENZA, Rod000000020
39CHIPPERFIELD, Jarrod000000000
40BURGESS, Todd000000000
43PRENTICE, Michael000000000
47HAYWARD, Greg000000000
48GREEN, Trevor000000000
49SHEPPARD, Kim000000000
50WATHERSTON, Brett000000000


Win Loss Records

Head to Head
Overall - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
Subiaco Oval - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
R10 - Played: 1, Subiaco: 1, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 2, Subiaco: 2, Peel Thunder: 0, Drawn: 0

Overall - Played: 1897, Won: 769, Lost: 1113, Drawn: 15
Subiaco Oval - Played: 900, Won: 437, Lost: 459, Drawn: 4
R10 - Played: 93, Won: 44, Lost: 49, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 8, Won: 4, Lost: 4, Drawn: 0

Peel Thunder
Overall - Played: 9, Won: 1, Lost: 8, Drawn: 0
Subiaco Oval - Played: 2, Won: 0, Lost: 2, Drawn: 0
R10 - Played: 1, Won: 0, Lost: 1, Drawn: 0
1997 - Played: 9, Won: 1, Lost: 8, Drawn: 0
