Individual Game Records for

Currently the WAFL FootyFacts player database includes every player for every game for the 1906, 1916-1919 (1918 has limited player data available), 1926-1942 seasons and from 1947 onwards. Team lists can be viewed on the individual game pages.

In addition to the above, every player for every game for Claremont (1926) and Swan Districts (1934) since inception are included.

Player game stats including disposals, kicks, marks, handballs and hit outs included for 1968, 1969 (round 1-3 and Finals only), 1974 (disposals, kicks, marks and handballs only, not including rounds 18 and 21, East Perth round 1 and South Fremantle round 2), most of 1975 (not including round 19 and quite a few other games missing), 1983-1987 and from 2006 and Swan Districts from 1996-2005 which also includes tackles. Tackles and Inside 50's for all teams from 2011.

Individual goalscorers for every game are included for 1906 and from 1926 onwards with random goalscorers added in other seasons with behinds for most seasons from 1933.

Although jumper numbers have been added throughout the site, the jumper number data is mostly incomplete and numbers will be added over time.

The tables are displayed best in landscape mode, so tilt your phone for the best view!

Most Goals in a Game

13COUPER, MurrayPerth vs South FremantleLathlain ParkR8,1975
10NICHOLLS, PaulEast Fremantle vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR9,1975
10CLOSE, BrianSwan Districts vs East FremantleBassendean OvalR17,1975
9GEORGE, MaxSwan Districts vs PerthLathlain ParkR1,1975
8DAY, BarryWest Perth vs South FremantleSubiaco OvalGF,1975
8COUPER, MurrayPerth vs West PerthLathlain ParkR12,1975
7BAUSKIS, RaySouth Fremantle vs East PerthSubiaco Oval1SF,1975
7COUPER, MurrayPerth vs East FremantleLathlain ParkR6,1975
7ALLFORD, GrantClaremont vs SubiacoClaremont OvalR15,1975
7JEZ, MickEast Fremantle vs PerthEast Fremantle OvalR13,1975
6NICHOLLS, PaulEast Fremantle vs ClaremontEast Fremantle OvalR18,1975
6CURTIS, StephenEast Perth vs Swan DistrictsPerth OvalR5,1975
6HARTFIELD, BrentonClaremont vs PerthClaremont OvalR21,1975
6MCKAY, JoeSouth Fremantle vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR5,1975
6COUPER, MurrayPerth vs West PerthLeederville OvalR5,1975


Most Behinds in a Game

7BYGRAVES, GaryEast Perth vs SubiacoPerth OvalR17,1975
7GEORGE, MaxSwan Districts vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR10,1975
6HARTFIELD, BrentonClaremont vs PerthClaremont OvalR21,1975
6CLOSE, BrianSwan Districts vs East PerthBassendean OvalR12,1975
6KEMPIN, PeterSwan Districts vs SubiacoBassendean OvalR14,1975
6SARTORI, JeffSwan Districts vs PerthBassendean OvalR9,1975
6NICHOLLS, PaulEast Fremantle vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR9,1975
6ROSE, BevanSwan Districts vs South FremantleBassendean OvalR18,1975
6SPENCER, PeterEast Perth vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR16,1975
5BAUSKIS, EddieSouth Fremantle vs ClaremontFremantle OvalR12,1975
5RIOLI, MauriceSouth Fremantle vs SubiacoFremantle OvalR6,1975
5BAUSKIS, RaySouth Fremantle vs East FremantleEast Fremantle OvalR1,1975
5COUPER, MurrayPerth vs West PerthLathlain ParkR12,1975
5FATHERS, GarySubiaco vs South FremantleSubiaco OvalR13,1975
5CLOSE, BrianSwan Districts vs SubiacoBassendean OvalR14,1975


Most Disposals in a Game

47WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs East FremantleLeederville OvalR16,1975
45WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs Swan DistrictsSubiaco Oval2SF,1975
43SHERIDAN, ShaneWest Perth vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR17,1975
41VALLI, BillWest Perth vs Swan DistrictsLeederville OvalR13,1975
41WATT, GeoffPerth vs East PerthLathlain ParkR18,1975
41SMEATH, StephenWest Perth vs East FremantleLeederville OvalR16,1975
41HOLLINS, DavidEast Fremantle vs East PerthEast Fremantle OvalR7,1975
40MCAULIFFE, HaydnSouth Fremantle vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR5,1975
40GIBELLINI, GarryEast Fremantle vs ClaremontEast Fremantle OvalR18,1975
39JEZ, MickEast Fremantle vs East PerthEast Fremantle OvalR21,1975
39VALLI, BillWest Perth vs East PerthLeederville OvalR1,1975
39MCDONALD, GarySwan Districts vs ClaremontBassendean OvalR16,1975
39RANDALL, NeilSubiaco vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR15,1975
38VALLI, BillWest Perth vs South FremantleLeederville OvalR7,1975
38WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs South FremantleLeederville OvalR21,1975


Most Marks in a Game

17CARSON, BobSouth Fremantle vs West PerthFremantle OvalR14,1975
17FARRANT, DougPerth vs South FremantleLathlain ParkR8,1975
16WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs PerthLeederville OvalR5,1975
16CARSON, BobSouth Fremantle vs Swan DistrictsFremantle OvalR11,1975
16CARSON, BobSouth Fremantle vs PerthFremantle OvalR17,1975
16CARSON, BobSouth Fremantle vs East PerthFremantle OvalR16,1975
16FARRANT, DougPerth vs SubiacoLathlain ParkR10,1975
15ADAMSON, BrianWest Perth vs South FremantleLeederville OvalR21,1975
15WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs East FremantleLeederville OvalR2,1975
15HOLLINS, DavidEast Fremantle vs SubiacoSubiaco OvalR12,1975
15MCDONALD, GarySwan Districts vs West PerthBassendean OvalR6,1975
15SIDEBOTTOM, GarrySwan Districts vs ClaremontBassendean OvalR2,1975
15CARSON, BobSouth Fremantle vs West PerthLeederville OvalR7,1975
15DEMPSEY, BillWest Perth vs ClaremontLeederville OvalR8,1975
14TROTT, JeffEast Fremantle vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR11,1975


Most Kicks in a Game

36RANDALL, NeilSubiaco vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR15,1975
35VALLI, BillWest Perth vs East PerthLeederville OvalR1,1975
33WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs South FremantleLeederville OvalR21,1975
32WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs East FremantleLeederville OvalR16,1975
32CICCOTOSTO, BrianSouth Fremantle vs East PerthPerth OvalR10,1975
32WILEY, RobPerth vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR21,1975
31SHERIDAN, ShaneWest Perth vs SubiacoLeederville OvalR11,1975
31CICCOTOSTO, BrianSouth Fremantle vs West PerthLeederville OvalR7,1975
31RHODES, DavidSubiaco vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR20,1975
31MCAULIFFE, HaydnSouth Fremantle vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR5,1975
31MORLEY, TonySouth Fremantle vs East PerthFremantle OvalR2,1975
30SPENCER, PeterEast Perth vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR2,1975
30WHINNEN, MelWest Perth vs East PerthPerth OvalR9,1975
30HOLLINS, DavidEast Fremantle vs East PerthEast Fremantle OvalR7,1975
30WILEY, RobPerth vs West PerthLathlain ParkR12,1975


Most Handballs in a Game

24TREASURE, FrankSouth Fremantle vs East PerthFremantle OvalR2,1975
19WATT, GeoffPerth vs East PerthLathlain ParkR18,1975
19MCPHEE, MikePerth vs South FremantleLathlain ParkR8,1975
19TREASURE, FrankSouth Fremantle vs Swan DistrictsBassendean OvalR4,1975
18WATT, GeoffPerth vs South FremantleFremantle OvalR17,1975
18BROWN, MalClaremont vs East PerthClaremont OvalR13,1975
17DWYER, LarrySouth Fremantle vs West PerthLeederville OvalR21,1975
16LOFTS, ColinPerth vs South FremantleLathlain ParkR8,1975
16TREASURE, FrankSouth Fremantle vs SubiacoFremantle OvalR6,1975
16DEMPSEY, BillWest Perth vs SubiacoLeederville OvalR11,1975
16WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs Swan DistrictsSubiaco Oval2SF,1975
16WALKER, BillSwan Districts vs ClaremontClaremont OvalR10,1975
16CLOSE, BrianSwan Districts vs South FremantleBassendean OvalR4,1975
15WATLING, AlanWest Perth vs East FremantleLeederville OvalR16,1975
15HOLLINS, DavidEast Fremantle vs SubiacoSubiaco OvalR12,1975


Most Tackles in a Game

0PRUNSTER, RossWest Perth vs South FremantleSubiaco OvalGF,1975
0MCPHEE, MikePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DAY, MalcolmPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JOHNSON, AlanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DICKINSON, JeffPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0SHERRINGTON, GuyPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LAWRENCE, RaymondPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0COOK, BrianPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JONES, GarryPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LOFTS, ColinPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0STILES, AllanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0PRETTY, DavidPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0INMAN, KenPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0FRANKLYN, StevePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0WILEY, RobPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975


Most Hit Outs in a Game

0PRUNSTER, RossWest Perth vs South FremantleSubiaco OvalGF,1975
0MCPHEE, MikePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DAY, MalcolmPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JOHNSON, AlanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DICKINSON, JeffPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0SHERRINGTON, GuyPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LAWRENCE, RaymondPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0COOK, BrianPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JONES, GarryPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LOFTS, ColinPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0STILES, AllanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0PRETTY, DavidPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0INMAN, KenPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0FRANKLYN, StevePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0WILEY, RobPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975


Most Inside 50's in a Game

0PRUNSTER, RossWest Perth vs South FremantleSubiaco OvalGF,1975
0MCPHEE, MikePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DAY, MalcolmPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JOHNSON, AlanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0DICKINSON, JeffPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0SHERRINGTON, GuyPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LAWRENCE, RaymondPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0COOK, BrianPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0JONES, GarryPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0LOFTS, ColinPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0STILES, AllanPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0PRETTY, DavidPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0INMAN, KenPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0FRANKLYN, StevePerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
0WILEY, RobPerth vs Swan DistrictsLathlain ParkR1,1975
