South Fremantle

Home & Away Seasons

Currently the WAFL FootyFacts player database includes every player for every game for the 1906, 1916-1919 (1918 has limited player data available), 1926-1942 seasons and from 1947 onwards. Team lists can be viewed on the individual game pages.

In addition to the above, every player for every game for Claremont (1926) and Swan Districts (1934) since inception are included.

Player game stats including disposals, kicks, marks, handballs and hit outs included for 1968 (not including round 3), 1969 (round 1-3 and Finals only), 1974 (disposals, kicks, marks and handballs only, not including rounds 18 and 21, East Perth round 1 and South Fremantle round 2), most of 1975 (not including round 19 and quite a few other games missing), 1983-1987 and from 2006 and Swan Districts from 1996-2005 which also includes tackles. Tackles and Inside 50's for all teams from 2011.

Individual goalscorers for every game are included for 1906 and from 1926 onwards with random goalscorers added in other seasons with behinds for most seasons from 1933.

Although jumper numbers have been added throughout the site, the jumper number data is mostly incomplete and numbers will be added over time.

The tables are displayed best in landscape mode, so tilt your phone for the best view!

Most Goals

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

156NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1953
132NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1952
120CHANDLER, Bert Reade1938
116NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1946
115NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1954
112BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)1977
107DOROTICH, Jonathan Michael (Jon)1997
101GEROVICH, John Michael1960
97SCOTT, Graham Lindsay1971
96NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1947
89NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1948
88DOROTICH, Jonathan Michael (Jon)1996
87LAWN, Alfred (Sol)1929
86NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1951
81BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)1978


Most Behinds

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

88CHANDLER, Bert Reade1938
76GEROVICH, John Michael1960
73NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1952
69GEROVICH, John Michael1955
64BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)1977
64SCOTT, Graham Lindsay1971
61NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1947
61GEROVICH, John Michael1961
61GEROVICH, John Michael1956
59BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)1976
59TODD, John Herbert1955
58NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1954
58POOLE, Stanley (Stan)1937
57NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1946
55NAYLOR, Bernard George (Bernie)1953


Most Disposals

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

626BAIRSTOW, Mark William1986
580MATERA, Walter John (Wally)1985
570MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2009
568HAMS, Ashton Kane2015
550MATERA, Walter John (Wally)1986
541SCHLOITHE, Haiden Edward2017
541KELLY, Timothy (Tim)2017
536JONES, Clinton2006
532BANNER, Mitch2013
531SCOTT, Gary Gordon1968
527MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2010
524VASOLI, Paul James1983
521CICCOTOSTO, Brian Bruno Peter1975
503HAMS, Ashton Kane2014
503BAIRSTOW, Toby2010


Most Marks

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

189CARSON, Robert Matthew (Bob)1975
160MONTEATH, Bruce John1974
159GRLJUSICH, Duje Tomy (Tom)1968
156SCOTT, Gary Gordon1968
142COOK, Ryan2011
142WILSON, Blayne Robert2016
140BAUSKIS, Edwin Modris (Eddie)1975
138COOK, Ryan2017
138GRLJUSICH, Duje Tomy (Tom)1975
137DOROTICH, Jonathan Michael (Jon)1985
136GRLJUSICH, Duje Tomy (Tom)1974
136HAMS, Ashton Kane2006
133COOK, Ryan2015
131WHITE, Craig2008
129SIEGERT, Andrew Martin2006


Most Kicks

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

434SCOTT, Gary Gordon1968
423BAIRSTOW, Mark William1986
411CICCOTOSTO, Brian Bruno Peter1975
392CICCOTOSTO, Brian Bruno Peter1974
381CARTER, Noel William1983
376MATERA, Walter John (Wally)1985
367HARDIE, Bradley John (Brad)1983
352BANNER, Mitch2013
338VASOLI, Paul James1983
334WATTERS, Scott Allen1987
330MONTEATH, Bruce John1974
329BAIRSTOW, Mark William1985
328HAMS, Ashton Kane2014
328MATERA, Walter John (Wally)1986
327KELLY, Timothy (Tim)2017


Most Handballs

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

293MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2009
290MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2010
276MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2011
267JONES, Clinton2006
267SMITHERS, Raymond Peter (Ray)2009
263SCHLOITHE, Haiden Edward2017
256MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2012
246HAMS, Ashton Kane2015
241COOK, Ryan2013
240BLECHYNDEN, Tom2023
238BAIRSTOW, Toby2010
238WINDER, Isiah2024
232ADAMS, Reece Daniel2011
228COOK, Ryan2011
222MATERA, Walter John (Wally)1986


Most Tackles

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

125SCHLOITHE, Haiden2022
118STEWART, Kade2019
113VERRIER, Steven Wayne2016
113DRAGOVICH, Jacob2019
110MAIN, Dylan John2017
104BLECHYNDEN, Tom2023
99FLORENCA, Jake2019
98HOCKEY, Shane2016
95WINTER, Jarrad2011
94MARTINEZ, Jacob2013
91HOCKEY, Shane2018
90ADAMS, Theo Arthur2011
90HOCKEY, Shane2017
89MAIN, Dylan2019
88VERRIER, Steven2019


Most Hit Outs

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

719FREE, Hamish2022
632HIGGINS, Brock Alexander2017
625HIGGINS, Brock2018
602HIGGINS, Brock2019
532TIGHE, Sean2013
463HIGGINS, Brock Alexander2015
441GRAHAM, Jaymie Wayne2009
425TIGHE, Sean2012
409HAY, Adam George2007
404HIGGINS, Brock Alexander2014
366HIGGINS, Brock Alexander2016
361HAY, Adam George2006
345BRANCHI, Joshua2024
345FREE, Hamish2021
311MICHAEL, Stephen Albert1983


Most Inside 50's

See note at top of page for limitiations on player records

120KELLY, Timothy (Tim)2017
103MAIN, Dylan John2017
97PICKETT, Marlion2018
97COOK, Ryan2016
94SCHLOITHE, Haiden Edward2017
89COOK, Ryan2017
85COOK, Ryan2012
82DONALDSON, Brandon2018
80SCHLOITHE, Haiden Edward2018
80SCHLOITHE, Haiden Edward2019
80SCHLOITHE, Haiden2021
79KELLY, Timothy (Tim)2016
78SCHLOITHE, Haiden2022
78MILLER, Kristopher Thomas (Kris)2012
78COOK, Ryan2018
