The tables are displayed best in landscape mode, so tilt your phone for the best view!

Overall Season Records for

Currently the WAFL FootyFacts player database includes every player for every game for the 1906, 1926 to 1942 seasons and from 1947 onwards. Team lists can be viewed on the individual game pages.

In addition to the above, every player for every game for Claremont (1926) and Swan Districts (1934) since inception are included.

Player game stats including disposals, kicks, marks, handballs and hit outs included for 1968 (not including round 3), 1969 (round 1-3 and Finals only), 1974 (disposals, kicks, marks and handballs only, not including rounds 18 and 21, East Perth round 1 and South Fremantle round 2), most of 1975 (not including round 19 and quite a few other games missing), 1983-1987 and from 2006 and Swan Districts from 1996-2005 which also includes tackles. Tackles and Inside 50's for all teams from 2011.

Individual goalscorers for every game are included for 1906 and from 1926 onwards with random goalscorers added in other seasons with behinds for most seasons from 1933.

Although jumper numbers have been added throughout the site, the jumper number data is mostly incomplete and numbers will be added over time.

The tables are displayed best in landscape mode, so tilt your phone for the best view!

Most Goals

105TAYLOR, Kevin James East Fremantle
85OLSEN, Mark CharlesSwan Districts
77BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
69BOSUSTOW, Peter RobertPerth
65UNCLE, Norman Keith (Norm)Claremont
58DITCHBURN, Ross William Claremont
58SEWELL, James Vernon (Jim)East Fremantle
55JACKSON, Mark AlexanderSouth Fremantle
52ARNOLD, Paul JosephEast Perth
52MOSS, Graham Frank Claremont
50COUPER, Murray StephenPerth
49BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
49KRAKOUER, Phillip Brent (Phil)Claremont
48BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
48KRAKOUER, James Gordon (Jim)Claremont


Most Behinds

64TAYLOR, Kevin James East Fremantle
59BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
51OLSEN, Mark CharlesSwan Districts
41BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
37DITCHBURN, Ross William Claremont
37KRAKOUER, Phillip Brent (Phil)Claremont
36BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
35BEWICK, Corry Lloyd West Perth
35COUPER, Murray StephenPerth
34BUCKENARA, Gary WilliamSubiaco
34JUDGE, Kenneth Malcolm (Ken)East Fremantle
34OTWAY, Wayne KennethEast Perth
32BOSUSTOW, Peter RobertPerth
32CARTER, Noel William South Fremantle
32SEWELL, James Vernon (Jim)East Fremantle


Most Scoring Shots

169 (105.64)TAYLOR, Kevin James East Fremantle
136 (85.51)OLSEN, Mark CharlesSwan Districts
118 (77.41)BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
107 (48.59)BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
101 (69.32)BOSUSTOW, Peter RobertPerth
97 (65.32)UNCLE, Norman Keith (Norm)Claremont
95 (58.37)DITCHBURN, Ross William Claremont
90 (58.32)SEWELL, James Vernon (Jim)East Fremantle
86 (49.37)KRAKOUER, Phillip Brent (Phil)Claremont
85 (49.36)BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
85 (50.35)COUPER, Murray StephenPerth
80 (55.25)JACKSON, Mark AlexanderSouth Fremantle
77 (43.34)OTWAY, Wayne KennethEast Perth
76 (42.34)JUDGE, Kenneth Malcolm (Ken)East Fremantle
76 (48.28)KRAKOUER, James Gordon (Jim)Claremont


Most Disposals

54CARTER, Noel William South Fremantle
53MOUNTAIN, Paul William South Fremantle
46RIOLI, Maurice Joseph South Fremantle
43BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
42MICHAEL, Stephen Albert South Fremantle
35MORLEY, Anthony William (Tony)South Fremantle
34BUCKENARA, Gary WilliamSubiaco
33PEAKE, Brian FrancisEast Fremantle
32O'BRIEN, Geoffrey Gordon (Geoff)South Fremantle
28KRAKOUER, Phillip Brent (Phil)Claremont
25GREEN, Stephen Edward JamesEast Fremantle
24SALOMONS, Norman Bruce (Norm)Claremont
23BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
23DANIELS, Allen William (Shorty)Claremont
23KERR, Ross James South Fremantle


Most Marks

19MICHAEL, Stephen Albert South Fremantle
17BUCKENARA, Gary WilliamSubiaco
11BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
10BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
10DELMENICO, Kevin Wayne (Wayne)South Fremantle
10MOUNTAIN, Paul William South Fremantle
9LESTER-SMITH, Rodney (Rod) East Fremantle
8MOYLE, Graham Bruce South Fremantle
7MOYLAN, Michael Raymond (Mick)South Fremantle
7PEAKE, Brian FrancisEast Fremantle
7RAWLINSON, David Stewart Claremont
6CARTER, Noel William South Fremantle
6CORNELL, Kevin George South Fremantle
6O'BRIEN, Geoffrey Gordon (Geoff)South Fremantle
6RIOLI, Maurice Joseph South Fremantle


Most Kicks

35MOUNTAIN, Paul William South Fremantle
35RIOLI, Maurice Joseph South Fremantle
33BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
33CARTER, Noel William South Fremantle
31MICHAEL, Stephen Albert South Fremantle
30MORLEY, Anthony William (Tony)South Fremantle
27BUCKENARA, Gary WilliamSubiaco
25PEAKE, Brian FrancisEast Fremantle
22BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
20VIGONA, Benedict John (Benny)South Fremantle
19McKAY, Joseph Charles (Joe)South Fremantle
18DANIELS, Allen William (Shorty)Claremont
18GOODING, Dalton Leslie Claremont
18GREEN, Stephen Edward JamesEast Fremantle
18KERR, Ross James South Fremantle


Most Handballs

21CARTER, Noel William South Fremantle
18MOUNTAIN, Paul William South Fremantle
15O'BRIEN, Geoffrey Gordon (Geoff)South Fremantle
13BLACKWELL, Wayne AnthonyClaremont
11MICHAEL, Stephen Albert South Fremantle
11RIOLI, Maurice Joseph South Fremantle
10BUHAGIAR, Anthony Francis (Tony)East Fremantle
10KRAKOUER, Phillip Brent (Phil)Claremont
9MOYLAN, Michael Raymond (Mick)South Fremantle
8DELMENICO, Kevin Wayne (Wayne)South Fremantle
8MOSS, Graham Frank Claremont
8OUTHWAITE, Simon John South Fremantle
8PEAKE, Brian FrancisEast Fremantle
8THOMSON, Ian PeterEast Fremantle
8TURCO, MarioEast Fremantle


Most Tackles

0ADDISON, Gary JohnSubiaco
0AITKEN, Michael JamesClaremont
0AITKEN, Russell KingsleySubiaco
0ALDERTON, Rod LeonardWest Perth
0ALLEN, Christopher Stephen (Chris)East Perth
0ALVES, Mark WilliamSubiaco
0ANNEAR, John Dudley Claremont
0ARNOLD, Paul JosephEast Perth
0BARNS, Colin LeonardClaremont
0BARRETT, Rodney Leslie (Rod)South Fremantle
0BAUSKIS, Edwin Modris (Eddie)Swan Districts
0BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
0BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
0BEATTIE, Douglas John (Doug)South Fremantle
0BECU, Robert Douglas (Bob)East Fremantle


Most Hit Outs

5CARROTT, Mervyn John (Merv)East Fremantle
0ADDISON, Gary JohnSubiaco
0AITKEN, Michael JamesClaremont
0AITKEN, Russell KingsleySubiaco
0ALDERTON, Rod LeonardWest Perth
0ALLEN, Christopher Stephen (Chris)East Perth
0ALVES, Mark WilliamSubiaco
0ANNEAR, John Dudley Claremont
0ARNOLD, Paul JosephEast Perth
0BARNS, Colin LeonardClaremont
0BARRETT, Rodney Leslie (Rod)South Fremantle
0BAUSKIS, Edwin Modris (Eddie)Swan Districts
0BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
0BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
0BEATTIE, Douglas John (Doug)South Fremantle


Most Inside 50's

0ADDISON, Gary JohnSubiaco
0AITKEN, Michael JamesClaremont
0AITKEN, Russell KingsleySubiaco
0ALDERTON, Rod LeonardWest Perth
0ALLEN, Christopher Stephen (Chris)East Perth
0ALVES, Mark WilliamSubiaco
0ANNEAR, John Dudley Claremont
0ARNOLD, Paul JosephEast Perth
0BARNS, Colin LeonardClaremont
0BARRETT, Rodney Leslie (Rod)South Fremantle
0BAUSKIS, Edwin Modris (Eddie)Swan Districts
0BAUSKIS, Raymond Valdi (Ray)South Fremantle
0BEASLEY, Simon FrancisSwan Districts
0BEATTIE, Douglas John (Doug)South Fremantle
0BECU, Robert Douglas (Bob)East Fremantle
